Andy Hinkle

Andy Hinkle

Laravel Developer

June 26, 2024

Just Try It

We often find comfort in the familiar. The frameworks, libraries, and patterns we've used for years become our go-to tools. However, this comfort can sometimes turn into a reluctance to explore new packages or patterns, leading to missed opportunities for growth and innovation.

When faced with a new technology or pattern that makes you feel uncomfortable, just try it. You may find that it opens up new possibilities and ways of thinking that you hadn't considered before.

Tailwind CSS

When I first heard about Tailwind CSS, I was skeptical. The idea of writing inline styles in my HTML felt wrong, and I dismissed it as a fad that would soon pass.

I never gave it a fair chance. I quickly dismissed it because it made me feel uncomfortable.

However, after seeing the positive feedback from other developers who absolutely loved it, I decided to give it a try.

I was wrong.

Tailwind CSS has become my go-to tool for styling web applications. It has allowed me to build beautiful, responsive designs quickly and efficiently, and I can't imagine going back to traditional CSS.

Initially, my team was reluctant to use it. They were comfortable with their existing tools (e.g. SASS) and didn't see the value in trying something new.

I didn't push the issue -- However, for new greenfield projects I started sprinkling in bits of Tailwind. After seeing the positive result and contributing to the project, other team members started to see the value in it and adopted it as well.

Ignore the Naysayers

I'm a moderator at /r/laravel, and I can assure you that when a new package or pattern is introduced, there are always naysayers who dismiss it without giving it a fair chance.

There will always be detractors who are quick to label new tools as "bad" or "wrong" because they don't fit their existing mental model.

Ignore these voices and form your own opinions based on your experiences and the feedback from trusted peers in your developer community.


I was first introduced to PestPHP at Laracon US 2023 in a talk by Nuno Maduro. I was intrigued by the syntax and the promise of faster, more readable tests, but I was skeptical.

I was with a co-worker and we both just didn't get it. We were comfortable with PHPUnit and didn't see the value in trying something new.

It felt like semantic sugar, and I didn't see the value in it. I didn't give it a chance and was quick to dismiss it.

However, I kept seeing positive feedback from other developers and thought, "What the heck, I'll give it a try."

I was wrong.

PestPHP is incredibly clean, like a breath of fresh air. What I didn't realize initially is that it's more than just semantics. It's easier to read and write, and I found myself writing tests faster than ever before.

So Just Try It

Get your hands dirty. If something makes you feel uncomfortable, just try it. You may find that it opens up new possibilities and ways of thinking that you hadn't considered before. Don't be so dismissive even if it feels wrong.
