Andy Hinkle

Andy Hinkle

Laravel Developer

Avoid Abstraction Until It's Clearly Necessary - Over-Engineered

Avoid Abstraction Until It's Clearly Necessary

October 9, 2024

We're often drawn to best practices like code reuse, separation of concerns, and maintainability. But there's a fine line between helpful abstraction and over-engineering. One common pitfall I see is the tendency to extract even the smallest pieces of logic into service classes, helpers, or other abstractions when it's not actually necessary.

For example, integrating a single third-party service API into your application. I've seen codebases where the instinct is to immediately create a service class for the API calls. The problem with this approach is that it introduces another layer of abstraction that forces anyone reading or maintaining the code to dig deeper just to understand what's going on. Instead of making things easier to manage, this over-extraction often leads to unnecessary complexity.

Clarity Over Complexity

When you extract too soon or without a compelling reason, you're essentially hiding simple, explicit code behind multiple layers. Instead of writing:

1$response = $this->httpClient->get('');

You might see something like this:

1$response = $this->apiService->fetchResource();

On the surface, this looks clean. But to understand what's really happening, you have to open up the ApiService class and trace through multiple layers just to see what parameters are being passed or how the request is structured.

You dig into the ApiService class and find another abstraction layer that delegates the actual HTTP request. There is an exception handler if you don't have a token in your environment file.

I'm not sure about you, but I can't recall the last time I found that exception helpful. The API itself informs you when a token is missing. It's unnecessary noise.

This is where YAGNI ("You Aren’t Gonna Need It") comes into play. The principle of YAGNI reminds us not to build for hypothetical future needs. If your interaction with this API is straightforward and limited to a few calls, why build an abstraction layer now? Keep it simple until the need for complexity arises.

Don't Fight The Framework

Frameworks like Laravel already offer many tools and conventions to handle common tasks like API integration. Fighting the framework by adding unnecessary abstractions or custom layers often leads to more code, more complexity, and more room for error.

If your framework provides an easy, clear way to handle an API request, there's no need to reinvent the wheel by adding service classes or custom abstractions. Laravel, for example, offers Http client facades that handle API calls in a straightforward way:

1$response = Http::get('');

This is clear, readable, and easy to maintain. The more you align with the framework's built-in tools, the less code you have to write, and the less room there is for bugs or maintenance headaches. The goal should be to leverage the framework, not fight it.

Not to be confused with "Never Abstract", but only when it's obviously necessary

The key is balance. If you're only working with a service API in a few places, there's no need to create a separate service class. Instead, keep the logic where it belongs, in a clear and explicit manner. You can always refactor later if the complexity grows. Over-extraction leads to more confusion and slows down development, as anyone reading your code is forced to dig through layers of abstractions for no real benefit.

However, if you find yourself touching that API in multiple contexts, maybe handling retries, dynamic authentication tokens, or conditional logic, then by all means, create an abstraction to centralize that logic. But be mindful not to over-engineer early on—stick to YAGNI until it becomes clear that more structure is necessary.

Before you abstract, ask yourself if the added complexity is truly necessary. Keep your code explicit and easy to follow, and don’t fight the framework’s built-in tools unless you have a good reason to.

Remember YAGNI: you aren’t gonna need it—until you actually do. By keeping things simple and leveraging what the framework offers, you’ll avoid the trap of over-engineering and keep your codebase more maintainable for the long term.
